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Pledge to Vote Yes on Question 4: Support Public Safety and Immigrant Driver’s Licenses

  • Brookline Dems Brookline, MA USA (map)

 Back in June, Massachusetts became the 17th state to pass legislation to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver's license. Just a few short days after the passage of the law, a group formed to challenge the law and place a repeal effort on the November ballot.  Now voters all over the state will have to vote YES to uphold the law, or all our efforts will have been in vain.


This law was passed with the support of many police chiefs, a majority of District Attorney and a majority of sheriffs who all know that our roads will be safe if all drivers are tested, licensed and insured. Furthermore If we do not allow our immigrant friends and neighbors in Massachusetts to obtain driver's licenses, we will force immigrants to live their lives haunted by suspicion and danger, in fear of family separation if they are stopped.


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