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Help Pass the Fair Share Amendment: Phone banking Opportunities

  • Brookline Dems Brookline, MA USA (map)

Our weekly canvasses to engage voters on the Fair Share Amendment are continuing! Help raise $1.5 billion that we can invest in public education and transportation annually with a 4% tax on income over $1 million by participating in our voter contact efforts.


We'll be gathering at the field in front of Brookline High School at 1pm on Sunday, September 18th and you can use this link to RSVP.


We'll also be hosting canvasses in Wellesley on Tuesday, September 20th and Newton on Wednesday, September 21st. You can use this link to register for the one in Newton and this link to register for the canvass in Wellesley.


Phonebanking Opportunities

In addition to the canvasses we're holding, there are also opportunities to engage voters during our phonebanks. Between now and Election Day, the phonebanks will be every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5pm to 8pm. 


Use this link to sign up for any of the following phonebanks:

Monday, September 19, 5pm-8pm

Tuesday, September 20, 5pm-8pm

Wednesday, September 21, 5pm-8pm

Thursday, September 22, 5pm-8pm